About Troop 181
Troop 181 was organized on November 11, 1930 as Troop 81. Paoli Presbyterian Church was the sponsoring organzation and, at the time, the troop met on Lancaster Avenue at what today is the Paoli Baptist Church. For a number of years, the troop was sponsored by the PTA of the Paoli Elementary School and later by the Independent of Order of Odd Fellows. During one of the sponsoring organization changes, the troop number was changed to 181, although throughout all these changes there was a clear continuity of membership. Over the years, the Troop 181 has met in the elementary school on Central Avenue (now known as the Delaware Valley Friends School) and the Airdrie Preserve Cabin. The Airdrie Forest Preserve land was donated by Lydia S.M.Robinson in 1940. The troop received permission to construct the cabin in 1949 but actual construction did not occur until 1955 through 1957. In late 2004, the sponsorship and meeting was changed to Berwyn United Methodist Church (BUMC) to accommodate the growing needs of the troop. For many years the troop continued to meet at the rustic cabin in Airdrie Preserve monthly during fall and spring seasons until irreparable storm damage in 2017 made it irreparable. Today we meet regularly at BUMC.
Troop 181 is a youth led troop, with organizational support from parents. We develop and rely on the leadership skills and experience of the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). We teach proficiency in traditional Scout skills such as camping, cooking, first aid, knot tying, swimming, orienteering, backpacking, canoeing and archery.
We understand that there are many demands on your son's time. Our program is designed to allow your son to strike a balance between Scouting and his other interests. Most Troop 181 Scouts also participate in sports, music programs and other after-school activities. That said Scouting does require effort and a time commitment. Invariably, those boys who achieve the higher ranks of Scouting do so with the active support and encouragement of their parents.