Post date: Nov 09, 2015 7:15:47 PM

We are planning a Troop seminar for Life and Star Scouts who want to understand the Life to Eagle process. Life Scouts should attend if they are not too far in the process, i.e. have not completed a project and still need to complete most of their application process. Star Scouts with a goal of making Life in less than a year or want to do very preliminary work on project planning should consider attending, particularly if they are approaching 17 years of age. Note that Star Scouts can not accumulate project hours toward their project until they successfully complete a Life Board of Review.

We have scheduled Tuesday, December 1 at BUMC, from 7:45 PM to 8:45 PM. If you attended last year's program, you are welcome to attend again. Parents are encouraged to attend. If you have fairly specific questions in mind, please email Vince Piotti ahead of time and we can cover them during the meeting or he can return your email separately. Please RSVP to Vince Piotti with the number attending from your family.

As mentioned at the Parent's meeting, recently, Council is repeating their annual program for Life Scouts on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM. It will be held at Stetson Middle School south of West Chester. Pre-registration is not required. The coordinator for this program is Tom Stalnaker with Chester County Council.

Information is available at: