Adult Leaders Signup

2022 Summer Camp: Horseshoe

Adult Leaders Signup

Moms, Dads and Grandparents are not only welcome to join in the camping fun, but are needed to fulfill adult leadership requirements at Camp Horseshoe. We need a minimum of two adults at any given time, preferably three or four adults. Adults don’t need to stay the full week, though we recommend a minimum of 2 or 3 nights (or shifts) in order to really benefit from the unique Horseshoe camping experience.

Troop 181 will pay the camp fees for the scoutmaster and up to three eligible adults per shift, so there is an advantage to registering early. Please use the following link to sign-up if interested.

Please note that adults staying overnight at Camp Horseshoe must be registered adult volunteers with CCCBSA (this includes background checks and YPT training). Please reach out to me for details if needed.

All adult campers must complete Parts A and B of the attached medical form. If you're staying 72 hours or more cumulatively, you must also complete Part C, which requires a doctor’s signature.