Contact scouts at camp

2022 Summer Camp: Horseshoe

Contact scouts at camp

  • Telephones

Camp Horseshoe does not have pay phones. A camp phone can be used in the case of an emergency. Please discourage phone calls to Scouts while in camp. Remind parents that the Scout is not near a phone so messages will have to be taken and calls returned. Cell phone reception in camp is relatively poor. Electrical power for recharging is unavailable in the campsites. We strongly encourage all campers to leave their cell phones at home.

  • Emailing Your Scout

To send an email to your scout, go to the same webcam link at You will see an area on the webpage where you can enter your scout's name, the troop number (181) and the campsite (Roberts).

  • Sending Packages to Your Scout

Scouts enjoy receiving packages from their families when they are away at camp. If you want to send snacks, small toys, etc. to your son, use the mailing address below. Be aware that it will take a few days for your package to arrive at camp, so it is recommended that you mail your package by Monday of the week of camp. You can even send your package on Friday before camp starts to ensure arrival early enough during camp week for the goodies to be enjoyed.

Camp Horseshoe

Scout's Name - Troop 181, Week #6

1286 Ridge Road

Rising Sun, MD 21911

  • If Your Scout Needs Something Urgently

Contact one of the parents who is scheduled to go down to camp - he or she might be able to take something down to your son. See parent camping schedule at