Post date: Nov 03, 2016 6:19:23 PM
Click here to register. This month’s trip will be camping near and hiking on the Appalachian Trail. We will camp in tents at Blue Rocks campground.
On Friday, we will meet at 5:30pm at BUMS with a 6:00pm departure time.
On Saturday we will have 2 hike options. One component of the hiking merit badge is to complete a 20 mile hike. Those willing and capable to complete this task will leave early in the morning for a 5.2 mile hike to Pulpit Rock. We will then meet the rest of the troop, eat a quick breakfast and go on the Pulpit Rock trail a second time with the entire troop. We will try to complete this hike two more times in order to log 20 miles of hiking. Click on trail map below for more information. There will be a way to return to the campsite every 5 miles for those who do not wish to complete the full hike.
We will camp out on Saturday and plan on arriving back at BUMS at 10:30am on Sunday.
Please register for the trip below, and bring your signed release (below) and $10 per scout for food for the trip. Parents' meals will be provided by the troop.