Post date: Oct 31, 2015 5:22:35 PM
Our AT backpacking trip is this weekend, Nov 7-8. If your scout is going, bring to the meeting tonight the signed and completed consent form (link below) and $10 for meals. If your son needs a backpack for this trip, if parents are available to drive, or you have any questions, please contact Ted Huck at
What to bring:
Packed lunch and trail mix or other snacks – please pack a lunch that is suitable for being in a back pack for a couple of hours as well as some snacks such as trail mix. Please do not pack a ton of Halloween candy – we don’t want to be picking up candy wrappers along the trail. If you want to use that candy place it in a single ziplock bag (M&Ms and peanuts are great) so as to minimize the trash.
Backpack – this means a hiking backpack that has a hip belt and shoulder straps. If you don’t have one, please let me know as we have several older scouts that are not able to go but from whom we can borrow a backpack. I have a couple of extras available.
Sleeping bag – hopefully you have a warm but compact sleeping bag. Please make sure it is in a water proof enclosure (trash bag, water proof staff sack) so that it does not get wet. A wet sleeping bag is very uncomfortable and this time of year could lead to hypothermia.
Sleep Pad – if you have a lightweight sleeping pad or something that can roll up and attach to your pack that’s great
Compact camping pillow (optional)
Proper footwear – hiking boots that are waterproof are preferred. Some experienced hikers use lightweight sneakers but I do not recommend these.
Several layers of clothing – hiking is a strenuous aerobic activity and while hiking your body stays naturally warm. Layers of wicking clothing is best. Avoid cotton materials. Long underwear and undersleeves are recommended for night. An extra pair of dry socks is greatly appreciated by your feet. Don’t overdo it – we are likely wearing the same clothes Sat. and Sunday so layers are good, you won’t need two sets of everything. Remember what you bring you have to hump with you.
Typical camping gear – flashlight, mess kit, water bottles (at least two or three 1 Liter Nalgene bottles), toothbrush/toothpaste, personal first aid kit, compass, whistle, pocket knife, personal medications
Other items might include a lightweight backpacking camp chair, hiking poles, etc…