Post date: Sep 09, 2016 1:1:1 AM

The annual popcorn fundraiser is now ON.If you didn't get the order form and info packet at the 9/26 Troop Meeting, please contact Lauren at laurengfeldman@yahoo.com.

Important information about the popcorn fundraiser:

1) Whatever your scout sells, 40% of that goes directly to his scout account. If your son sells $100 of popcorn, then $40 will go into his scout account, which can be applied directly against his dues for the year, or for summer camp. My younger son has paid for a big chunk of his dues each year he has been in the troop through his popcorn sales, and this helps create an understanding that you need to work for the things you want to do.

2) We don't have any dates to sell as a group at Acme, Wawa, etc. If you have an in with a local business where you can set up a table, you are welcome to do so, and we will be getting in popcorn that you can take to that sale. However, we don't have any plans in place for that, the selling is on your own, and with a buddy or parent if you are going out and about.

3) People in this area are generally glad to support local scouting! I spoke to a mom Wednesday night that said the problem with selling popcorn is that it costs so much. It kind of depends on how you frame it. If you are trying to sell the popcorn, then yes, it's expensive. But we've always taken the approach to say "Would you like to help support local scouting? 73% of what you spend goes directly to support our local area. " Then it's more a matter of what kind of popcorn would you like with the donation. If you look at Girl Scout cookies, yes, they are pretty cheap, but they only get something like $0.50 for a $4.00 box! So they would have to sell 16 boxes of cookies ($64) to make the $8 that your son would get to sell a bag of popcorn!!

In addition to the 40% that comes into our troop, the other 33% heads to Chester County Council. Our popcorn sales then pay for leader training, expenses for Camp Ware and Camp Horseshoe, and all the other expenses that council incurs on our behalf and the rest of the packs, troops, and crews in Chesco.

4) ***The drop dead due date to get me your order is Oct. 20, but I would prefer you give it to me Oct. 13 if possible.*** Tomorrow, we will be getting in some boxes of popcorn that can be sold on the spot. There is also a mid-sale order where we can get more popcorn in a couple of weeks. I like to order this because then the boys can go around with physical popcorn and sell that. It helps to say "I have it right here" rather than "It's coming Nov. 10" We don't get every flavor, and nothing with chocolate will be available until that November pickup date due to the melting factor. YOU MAY CHECK OUT POPCORN TO SELL, OR CHECK TO SEE IF I HAVE SOMETHING FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. JUST CONTACT ME.

However, for the boxes that we get in the Show-N-Sell time period (before individual orders are due), we either have to sell the full box, or return the full box. This means that if we only sell one item in a case, then I either need to know the rest of the case will be sold by our individual orders, or I need to locate another troop that has an extra of that item I can swap to fill up the case for the return date. So, knowing what are orders are before the swap week is very helpful!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Again, if you need some physical popcorn to take around, let me know, and you can sign some out.


Lauren Feldman
